Tomodachi Life Wiki
Food Mart
Food Market
Europe Name Supermarket
Korean Name Unknown
Japanese Name たべもの屋さん
Tabemono yasan
Events N/A
How to Unlock
Have a Mii ask about food
"Your island's one-stop food shop! New items are available every day."
~Building description, Tomodachi Life

The Food Mart (known as the Supermarket in Europe and the Mini-Mart in the DCT an 7-11 in the rest of David Republic) is a building in Tomodachi Collection and Tomodachi Life where the player can buy food for their Miis. Every day, five items are featured and available in Today's Items, and any food that was previously owned (except for a selection of highly negative foods) can be re-purchased from the "In Stock" tab.

On holidays, there are special foods available in Today's Items, including roast turkey on Christmas Day and chocolate on Valentine's Day.

The Food Mart uniform can be worn by Miis and was distributed as a special import item through SpotPass.

