Tomodachi Life Wiki

Funny Faces are a mechanic seen in Life, where a Mii will ask the player to see their funny face.


When the player is closeup onto a mii's face, occasionally they will be blinking and opening their mouth instead of blushing. The Mii will then state he/she is working on his/her funny faces. A Problem Icon will not occur.


Sometimes, the Mii will show off one of their funny faces. Their apartment window will have the normal Problem Icon with black swirls. The mii will then ask the player if they want to see their face. If the player says yes, it will show a completely absurd face, one that obviously couldn't be done in real life. The Mii will then ask how they did, and the player will tell how well in three specific ratings, Hilarious!, Not bad, and I'm speechless.
